
Articles in refereed journals

  1. Dahmann, S., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): No evidence for a protective effect of education on mental health, Social Science & Medicine, online first.
  2. Lejarraga, T., Frey, R., Schnitzlein, D.D., Hertwig, R. (2019): No Effect of Birth Order on Adult Risk Taking, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 116(13), pages 6019-6024.
  3. Saniter, N., Schnitzlein, D.D., Siedler, T. (2019), Occupational Knowledge and Educational Mobility - Evidence from the Introduction of Job Information CentersEconomics of Education Review, 69, pages 108-124.
  4. Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019), The relationship between trust, cognitive skills, and democracy - evidence from 30 countries around the world, Economics Bulletin, 39(1), pages 200-206.
  5. Bügelmayer, E., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2018), Is it the family or the neighborhood? Evidence from sibling and neighbor correlations in youth education and health, Journal of Economic Inequality, 16(3), pages 369-388..
  6. Anger, S., Schnitzlein, D. D. (2017), Cognitive Skills, Non-cognitive Skills, and Family Background: Evidence from Sibling CorrelationsJournal of Population Economics 30(2), pages 591-620.
  7. Bratberg E., Davis J., Mazumder B., Nybom M., Schnitzlein D. D., Vaage K., (2017), A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S.Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119(1), pages 72-101.
  8. Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephani J., (2016), Locus of Control and low-wage mobility, Journal of Economic Psychology 53, pages 164-177.
  9. Riphahn, R.T., Schnitzlein, D.D., (2016), Wage Mobility in East and West Germany, Labour Economics 39, pages 11-34.
  10. Schnitzlein, D.D., Wunder, C., (2016), Are we architects of our own happiness? The importance of family background for well-being, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 16(1), pages 125-149.
  11. Schnitzlein, D.D., (2016), A New Look at Intergenerational Mobility in Germany Compared to the U.S., Review of Income and Wealth 62, pages 650–667. 
  12. Schnitzlein, D.D., (2014), How important is the family? Evidence from sibling correlations in permanent earnings in the US, Germany and Denmark , Journal of Population Economics 27(1), pages 69-89.
  13. Schnitzlein, D.D., (2012), How important is cultural background for the level of intergenerational mobility? , Economics Letters 114(3), pages 335-337.
  14. Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephani J., (2011), Lohnmobilität von jüngeren Geringverdienern in Deutschland, Vierteljahrshefte der Wirtschaftsforschung 80(4), S. 13-30.
  15. Schnitzlein, D.D., (2009), Struktur und Ausmaß der intergenerationalen Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229(4), S. 450-466.
  16. Bruckmeier, K., Schnitzlein D.D., (2009), Der Übergang von Arbeitslosenhilfeempfängern in das SGB II - Eine empirische Analyse anhand von Befragungsdaten, Sozialer Fortschritt 58(1), S. 1-9.