Articles in refereed journals
- Dahmann, S., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): No evidence for a protective effect of education on mental health, Social Science & Medicine, online first.
- Lejarraga, T., Frey, R., Schnitzlein, D.D., Hertwig, R. (2019): No Effect of Birth Order on Adult Risk Taking, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 116(13), pages 6019-6024.
- Saniter, N., Schnitzlein, D.D., Siedler, T. (2019), Occupational Knowledge and Educational Mobility - Evidence from the Introduction of Job Information Centers, Economics of Education Review, 69, pages 108-124.
- Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019), The relationship between trust, cognitive skills, and democracy - evidence from 30 countries around the world, Economics Bulletin, 39(1), pages 200-206.
- Bügelmayer, E., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2018), Is it the family or the neighborhood? Evidence from sibling and neighbor correlations in youth education and health, Journal of Economic Inequality, 16(3), pages 369-388..
- Anger, S., Schnitzlein, D. D. (2017), Cognitive Skills, Non-cognitive Skills, and Family Background: Evidence from Sibling Correlations, Journal of Population Economics 30(2), pages 591-620.
- Bratberg E., Davis J., Mazumder B., Nybom M., Schnitzlein D. D., Vaage K., (2017), A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S., Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119(1), pages 72-101.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephani J., (2016), Locus of Control and low-wage mobility, Journal of Economic Psychology 53, pages 164-177.
- Riphahn, R.T., Schnitzlein, D.D., (2016), Wage Mobility in East and West Germany, Labour Economics 39, pages 11-34.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., Wunder, C., (2016), Are we architects of our own happiness? The importance of family background for well-being, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 16(1), pages 125-149.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., (2016), A New Look at Intergenerational Mobility in Germany Compared to the U.S., Review of Income and Wealth 62, pages 650–667.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., (2014), How important is the family? Evidence from sibling correlations in permanent earnings in the US, Germany and Denmark , Journal of Population Economics 27(1), pages 69-89.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., (2012), How important is cultural background for the level of intergenerational mobility? , Economics Letters 114(3), pages 335-337.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephani J., (2011), Lohnmobilität von jüngeren Geringverdienern in Deutschland, Vierteljahrshefte der Wirtschaftsforschung 80(4), S. 13-30.
- Schnitzlein, D.D., (2009), Struktur und Ausmaß der intergenerationalen Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229(4), S. 450-466.
- Bruckmeier, K., Schnitzlein D.D., (2009), Der Übergang von Arbeitslosenhilfeempfängern in das SGB II - Eine empirische Analyse anhand von Befragungsdaten, Sozialer Fortschritt 58(1), S. 1-9.